Group Brands

Die SEPA Cyber Tech GROUP ist ein multinationales Unternehmen mit verschiedenen weltweit tätigen Marken. Unsere Tochtergesellschaften ermöglichen es uns, Kunden zu bedienen in:

  • Europäische Union (EU)
  • European Free Europäische Freihandelsassoziation (EFTA)
  • Vereinigtes Königreich (UK)
  • Naher Osten und Nordafrika (MENA)
  • Asien-Pazifik (APAC)
  • Vereinigte Staaten
  • Kanada
  • Latein- und Südamerika (LATAM)

Die Beteiligung verwaltet mehrere Unternehmen, die auf FinTech, RegTech, Marketing, Zahlungslösungen spezialisiert sind. Maritime Logistiktechnologie und Outsourcing & Outstaffing spezialisiert sind.

Wer sind
Die Marken von SEPA Cyber

FinHub is a massive marketplace offering hundreds of proprietary and third-party modules to help businesses upgrade or update their operational systems. Our platform has captured the financial world in a single framework, allowing companies to build their financial ecosystems. FinHub is the perfect solution for:
  • Financial regulated entities that want to use our solutions based on their licence(s) to act as Financial Service Providers

  • Financial regulated entities that want to use our solutions with a third-party licence to act as Financial Service Providers

  • Unregulated financial entities that want to use our solutions with a third-party licence to act as Financial Service Providers

  • Merchants who want to use our solutions to improve their systems and add new features
SEPA Cyber Managed Services
SEPA Cyber Managed Services
SEPA Cyber Managed Services can help businesses comply with all necessary standards, requirements, and regulations. We offer comprehensive assistance to B2B and B2C entities with:
  • Onboarding

  • Transaction monitoring and fraud detection

  • Back-office management

  • 1st and 2nd level customer support

  • Regulatory compliance
Our solution effectively detects unusual patterns and suspicious activities, allowing companies to abide by national and international Anti-Money Laundering requirements.
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IT Run provides businesses with high-quality, reliable IT outsourcing and outstaffing services. With 180+ years of combined experience, our specialists have the knowledge and skills to plan, execute, and audit small and large projects.

We combine state-of-the-art resources with highly competent professionals to offer clients:
  • Staff Augmentation

  • Dedicated Development Team

  • Dedicated DevOps Team

  • Technology Consultation

  • Extended Workbench

  • Complete Outsourcing

  • Project Management

  • Software Architecture
Witness your software projects become a reality by trusting IT Run
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D&D Marketing Agency is our organisation’s creative hub. Via established and contemporary methods, our marketing professionals can help companies with, among other tasks:
  • Graphic and web design

  • Website development

  • Content writing

  • Social media marketing

  • PPC campaigns
Our ambition is to aid brands in telling their stories the right way. Attracting new clients, reaching marketing goals, and scaling your business are only a handful of the benefits that D&D Marketing can bring to your doorstep. Let’s talk to help your organisation maximise its potential
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Plioex is an extensive platform developed specifically for the maritime industry. It allows captains and their crews to fluidly handle primary and secondary operations related to their vessels and the shipping industry. Our solution will march the maritime industry into the digital era by automating processes such as:
  • Banking operations and payments

  • Fleet and supplier management

  • Crew onboarding

  • Fuelling and refuelling

  • Vessel analytics

  • Route planning
Do shipping smart with Plioex

Lokal bleiben, global sein mit der SEPA Cyber Tech Group

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